October News!
Another busy month that ended with a blast! We've seen 86 classes this month in lessons or to introduce the students to our November book fair. Another 1140 students visited to check out books on library passes, 129 came to take a quiz or test in the library, and another 310 came to utilize our resources. Thanks to Mrs. Johnston who does a fantastic job keeping our Terriers on task and helping them find what they need in the library!
The 6th graders had an introductory lesson on primary sources, secondary sources and bias this month by examining Lewis and Clark documents and compared maps that range from the 1400's to one created by Lewis and Clark.
Our 7th graders reviewed evaluating websites and then had to find reliable websites for them to use in their research projects this year. Mr. Watt's history classes also analyzed primary sources from the 1930s, including political cartoons, maps, photographs, and a poem.
Our 8th graders had a quick review of plagiarism/copyright and then took a quiz to ensure they understood this topic.
Our month ended on October 31st, where our 7th graders participated in our 5th annual Forensics Day. Each student was a member of a detective team and analyzed crime scenes to solve a crime. They also participated in a GPS activity outside, analyzed handwriting, analyzed fingerprints and did fiber analysis. What a full day!!
We went to the Green Valley book fair this month and made a huge purchase for the library of young adult books for our 8th grader readers that are above reading level.
Have a great month! Enjoy the holiday and remember to do something nice for someone else.
Mrs. B.
The 6th graders had an introductory lesson on primary sources, secondary sources and bias this month by examining Lewis and Clark documents and compared maps that range from the 1400's to one created by Lewis and Clark.
Our 7th graders reviewed evaluating websites and then had to find reliable websites for them to use in their research projects this year. Mr. Watt's history classes also analyzed primary sources from the 1930s, including political cartoons, maps, photographs, and a poem.
Our 8th graders had a quick review of plagiarism/copyright and then took a quiz to ensure they understood this topic.
Our month ended on October 31st, where our 7th graders participated in our 5th annual Forensics Day. Each student was a member of a detective team and analyzed crime scenes to solve a crime. They also participated in a GPS activity outside, analyzed handwriting, analyzed fingerprints and did fiber analysis. What a full day!!
We went to the Green Valley book fair this month and made a huge purchase for the library of young adult books for our 8th grader readers that are above reading level.
Have a great month! Enjoy the holiday and remember to do something nice for someone else.
Mrs. B.
What exactly happens in a middle school library? You'd be amazed!
The first month and a half has been very busy for the WBMS library. We have had 50 classes visit the library for 45-90 minute blocks for lessons and book checkout. A additional 1223 students came on passes to check out books, 81 came to take tests/quizzes, and 278 came to utilize our resources.
The 6th grade lesson concentrated on a library orientation, learning about the extra credit reading for the Virginia Readers Choice, and how to find a book on their reading level.
The 7th grade learned about three extra credit reading opportunities through the Virginia Reader's Choice, the Page Turners Vinton library book club, and the Roanoke Valley Reads book. (all of these are described in prior posts). We also discussed how important it is to evaluate websites before using them for home use or school projects.
The 8th grade also heard about the three opportunities for extra credit. The plagiarism policy and copyright laws were discussed and as well as the consequences in Roanoke County Schools for violating the policy.
Mrs. Sprenger, a 7th grade history teacher, brought one of her classes into the library to discuss the Jim Crow Laws. Students analyzed primary source documents, music, poems, and laws from this time period and then compared and contrasted speeches made by Booker T. Washington and WEB Dubois in the classroom.
Mr. Watts, another 7th grade history teacher, came to visit the library and had an immigration presentation that included primary sources documents from Ellis Island, photographs, and a citizenship document from the 1920's.
Mrs. Thompson and Mrs. Sarver's 7th grade science pre-ap classes visited the library to begin their preparation for their science fair projects. Students were given a review of plagiarism and we reviewed evaluating websites. Time was given during class to begin their research.
The library purchased 6 Kindles that we have started checking to students who signed up for the Virginia Reader's Choice contest. This is going great and seems to be a great motivational tool for reading!!
Till next month----Keep on reading!!!
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